Welcome to ZoomRoom
This over-the-cab sleeper berth provides pickup trucks with a comfortable bed anytime and anyplace, plus it is D.O.T 436.737
This over-the-cab sleeper berth provides pickup trucks with a comfortable bed anytime and anyplace, plus it is D.O.T 436.737
THE INTERIOR — Comfortable, convenient and full of features. Comes with custom storage compartments designed with the professional driver in mind. (viewed with the top section removed to show the inside)
UP — Sleep and wind deflection position
DOWN — Slip-stream aerodynamic economic position
When you spend most of your time on the road a ZoomRoom is the bedroom you take with you.
Love the great outdoors? Here is an alternative to a tent. More secure, more comfortable, and MUCH faster to set up.
When people rely on you to come to them and build or fix something a ZoomRoom provides a convenient place to stay.
Do you travel around to events, festivals or fairs to offer your services or goods? With a ZoomRoom you can sleep at the venue rather than going back and forth to a hotel.
The ZoomRoom reduces operating costs while improving the driver's lifestyle, comfort, and safety! Have your own high-quality mattress and your favorite pillow, and at the touch of a button you can just rest. You can easily access the over-the-cab sleeper with our two-step ladder and D.O.T. size-compliant portal. You have direct access to the sleeper berth without exiting the driver compartment.
Benefits Of A Owning A ZoomRoom:
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